3. Getting Ready to Research

Research is an important part of your science fair project.  You will need to find at least three reputable sources for information on your topic, and use this information to write a research paper.  Your research will focus on answering the 3-4 relevant questions you circled on your Background Research Plan.

To find reputable resources online you'll need to use a search engine.  To learn a few common sense strategies for using search engines click on the links below.

Once you're ready to begin researching your topic, print off at least three copies of the Research Notes.

Use one (or more) paper for each source you use. Make sure to write down which relevant question you're trying to answer, the website address, the website title, and the author.  Then, write your notes on the lines provided.

When you're ready to begin, go to the Resources page to find several excellent, student-friendly search engines.

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