Sunday, February 16, 2014

Plans for the Future

While I'm no longer running a science fair, I plan on keeping this site up for teachers and students to use.  If you run into problems or have suggestions let me know by commenting on this post.  Good luck!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

End of the Road

Just a reminder that all items for science fair are due on Wednesday, this includes both competitive and non-competitive students!

  • Written Report (typed)
  • Data Notebook
  • Display Board
  • Written Report (hand-written or typed)
  • Data Notebook
Your fourth and fifth graders have now been working on these projects since September, so I'm very excited to see their finished products during our class science fairs on Thursday and Friday!  You can see all of the science fair assignments we've done this year at computer station here:  Computer Station - Science Fair.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Experimental Design

This week students should have completed the Experimental Design portion of their Science Fair Written reports.  If you have not completed this please use this slideshow to help catch up:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Due Dates

With the class Science Fair's fast approaching at the end of April, don't forget to keep up to date on due dates by checking our Calendar page!  Science Fair is a huge part of student's science grade, and it's important to stay up to date.  If you've fallen behind be responsible!  Use the plethora of resources on this website to catch back up!

If you get confused by something either ask your teacher in class or shoot me an email:

Monday, March 4, 2013

Competitive Experiments

By this point competitive students should be done with their purpose, problem, controls, variables, materials, procedures, research, and hypothesis and be ready to begin conducting their experiments at home.  If you are competitive and not done with these items you need to review the previous two posts for directions and seriously buckle down and get your work done.

As you conduct your experiment make sure you are recording your data in your data notebooks.  These are the second three-ring one inch binders that students brought in and which were sent home.  Your data can be handwritten and recorded on lined paper.

A copy of the Data Notebook Guidelines is available below:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Research Papers

As we approach the time of the year when competitive students should be starting to conduct their science fair experiments at home, it's more important than ever for students to complete their Research Papers.  These papers are necessary in order for students to form a good hypothesis that their experiments will then seek to test.  For more on how to write a good research paper reference the slideshow below and visit our Research Paper page.  Thanks!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Written Report (Part I)

With the deadline fast approaching for students to start their written reports we began going over how to write these in class today.  Get started on your own written reports using the slideshow below: